"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow; Don't walk behind me, I may not lead; Walk beside me, and just be my friend." -Albert Camus

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wow I havent written forever!!

Hey everybody! It has been so long since I have written on my blog. I have been on my facebook a lot more and almost forgot I had a blog. I hope everybody is having fun in high school, I know I am. I am going to the Riverton vs. Jordan football game on Friday, which I am so excited. I went to the Riverton Stomp last night with some girls for about an hour and then I met up with all my other friends and watched Cars at the Bluffdale Park. Afterwards we went over to my house and played cards, which was a blast! We also had tons of fun with those good and plentys.... Well I hope everybody has a great week!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

End of the Summer...

Hey everybody! Summer is almost over, and I cannot believe it! It does not seem like our break is pretty much over. Seriously, didn't it just start? Well I hope that everyone has a had a good summer! When I see you I want to hear about all of your great adventurous trips and all your fun activities! I can't believe we( fellow classmates and I) are going to high school in less than a week! I am extremely nervous, but kind of excited too. It will be like a whole new world compared to APA. I wish we could all go to the same high school, because not seeing all of you everyday is going to be difficult and kind of abnormal.
Well, I just got back from Lake Powell a few days ago. I had a blast, except our boat had a few difficulties during the trip, so that hindered us from boating as much each day. We had great weather, but it seems to be a tradition to have a storm each time we go to Powell, so the last night it stormed a little, but it was so hot it cooled us off. The highlight of the trip for me was I landed my first 180! It took a few tries to contain my balance, but after the 3rd or 4th time I finally did it! I was so excited I was screaming while still riding! At Powell we got to see some amazing sun sets. Even when there were clouds, it was still beautiful because it turned the clouds pink. Our family also tubes in Powell, which was a blast! We also stayed up late most of the nights playing poker and other card games, which was fun. Mom and Lyssa started reading Breaking Dawn during the trip, while I finished To Kill a Mockingbird for my English class. Now that I am finished with that, I am trying to finish Eclipse so I can start Breaking Dawn. Well I hope everybody is ready for high school. I guess I am as ready as I will ever be. See ya!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A very sad weekend...

Hey everybody. How has your summer been? Mine has been good, except this past weekend. My great grandma, who I was pretty close to, passed away. We attended her viewing on Friday and then her funeral on Saturday. The funeral went very well and it was very nice. It has been hard and we can hardly believe she has passed on. She lived a good long life and now she is with her husband, happy and healthy. She was 95 years old and the last memory I have of her was at her 95th b-day party a few months ago. I am glad that is the memory she left with my family and I because it was a very good one. We just found out that a lady in our old ward who was just recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer passed away yesterday. Her funeral is on Tuesday and it will be very difficult to go to. She was young and the doctors expected her to live a few more months, so this was kind of a shocker. I hope her family is getting through this OK and I hope they know they are loved many and cared for. Well this has been a hard weekend, but there has been some fun days too. Yesterday my dad had his work party that was kind of fun. I stayed up until almost midnight playing games with my family and some friends, it was a blast. Well I hope everyone is doing well and having a great summer. Hope to see you soon!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Jackson Hole Wyoming!

My family and I just got back from a four day trip to Jackson Hole Wyoming. I really did not know what to expect, but it turned out to be a great trip! Pretty much the first day we drove for 5 or so hours and by the time we arrived at our destination it was late afternoon/early evening. We went to dinner, walked around and looked at all the shops and discussed our plans for each day. We also got to see a little shootout some actors put on in the streets, which was really cool to watch. We stayed in these cute little cabins that were made about....well lets just say a pretty long time ago. They were nice though, but the only down side was the spiders. EEWWW!! Well the next day was Lyssa's b-day and we decided to take it easy and just do some site seeing and hiking. We hiked 12 miles in the Grand Tetons and on the drive to the base of the mountain we saw a grizzly bear on the side of the road about 50ft from us. There were lots of people stopped and taking pictures while the bear was eating and keeping to itself. It was not full grown, but it was still really cool to see!
On our hike there had amazing scenery and when we got close to the top there was still snow, which hindered us from hiking all to the lake. After the hike we celebrated Lyssa's b-day and had cake and opened presents. The next day was the best day out of the whole trip! We went white water rafting down the snake river!!! That was so much fun and I hope to do it again! We had a guide that was really funny and extremely smart and he taught us how to do 360's in the eddies along the river. There was one particular part of the river called Lunch Counter where it was the roughest and scariest! Photographers took pictures of each raft while it and it's passengers endured the waves and tried to continue rowing in unison. That had to be one of my favorite parts of the river and instead of rowing like I was supposed to, I tried to hold on so I wouldn't fly out of the raft! The water was freezing cold, but it felt good when it sprayed on us!
After the totally awesome rafting trip, we attended the Bar J Wranglers dinner and concert they hold 7 days a week each summer. That was a blast and my family and I enjoyed the concert very much! Oh yea, I forgot to mention that my Grandparents were there at Jackson Hole with us and if you can believe it, they did everything with us, including the white water trip! I think I would call them the totally awesome, adventurous Grandparents!
Well Tuesday was our last day and we wanted to do a couple of things before we started driving back home. We wanted to have our pictures taken at the old fashion picture place where we dress up as cowboys, or saloon girls, or any of that kind of stuff. All the boys decided to dress up as cowboys and the girls decided to be saloon girls. It looks really funny and we have a picture at home now so you all will have to see it. Well that pretty much wraps it all up with all our great adventures in Jackson Hole! I am glad I got the chance to go there because it was so much fun!

Friday, July 4, 2008


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Just hangin' out

Whats up everybody?! I expect everyone is having a fabulous summer! I have had an awesome one so far! On Monday I went with my family to my aunt Jen's house who lives up by the U. We swam and had a BBQ, it was so much fun! Jen has a little mini pincher named Mocha, he is extremely hyper, but he is so fun to be around. Mocha reminds me of our new puppy Jag because they both have so much energy 24/7! I am so excited for the fourth of July! One of my family's tradition is to go to Riverton park and watch the firework show. The show is usually awesome and it is one of my favorite traditions! My favorite grandpa's b-day party is on Thursday. We will go to that, and hopefully I can ride his horses. I have been texting Austin while he is in Lake Powell, which is totally awesome. He called me on Monday, but I had to go to piano, so I could only talk to him for 20 min. or so. He said he was going to call me again on the 4th and I am looking forward to that. I went to the Gateway yesterday for a girls night out with Mom and Lyssa, it was way fun and after we had dinner at Johnny Carinos. I bought a bracelet I have been wanting from American Eagle yesterday. Well.....today I did a lot of yard work and later I am going to the grocery store with my mom and bro and sis. This has not been a very exciting day. Oh well...! I hope everyone is having a great summer. See ya!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Hey everybody its summer and I am having a blast!! I haven't seen everybody for-ever, but I hope you are all having fun participating in family vacations, camps, and just hanging out. I miss everybody so much! I want to hear about all of the fun you have been having when I see you. I am leaving for my first vacation on the 12th of July. My dad and I have been working on the boat to get it ready for the summer. The dumb thing is that the sales guy gave my dad the wrong size of filter so we ended up not getting as far as we had hoped. Well Hannah's brother Andrew comes home today from his mission(two year trip) jk. I am so excited for Hannah and her family! It must be so exciting! He served in Canada, but I can't seem to remember what the exact location was. Austin is leaving for his boating trip tomorrow and then on the way home his parents are dropping him off at EFY! He will be gone until the 14th of July and I am so sad! I am going to miss him so much, but I hope he has a blast! Chandler just got back from his family trip. They went to Costa Rica and he said it was way fun! He also mentioned that he had the opportunity to go on a zip-line and there were I think ten of them to go on so that took all day! Wow that sounds like a blast! Sami is having a pool party tonight that Lyssa and I are going to. I am way excited!
Oh let me tell you something so extremely nasty! So I was weeding the flower garden this morning and I saw a huge snail! It was sick and wrong and it just got worse after finding 15 more! SICK! Now I keep questioning why I ate something that gross at LaCaille! lol Well I am going to take a group of friends boating around the end of July or something like that so I hope ya'll can go! It will be a blast and hopefully everybody will know how to wake-board when the day is done! Well I hope everyone is having a fabulous summer and I will hopefully see ya soon! Love ya!